Our Chief Equine Officer Prodney was insistent that he started a blog to share his astute observations about Park Lane life as well as fascinating stories from his past.
For balance (he can be a bit opinionated) you’ll find other articles here too, including horsey tips and guest posts.
Prodney’s Blog: Me and Natalie, herdmates for over 30 years, but who really has the upper hand?
By Prodney
Humans like to think it’s them, but this is based on odd criteria such as having opposable thumbs, or because they can talk to each other. But if you’re a human reading this, I’d like to introduce our perspective.
Prodney’s Blog: Well I never, you donated £2,000 to my birthday rubber matting fundraiser
By Prodney
I celebrated my 44th birthday on 30 May, and although I said I’d rather have rubber matting than carrots I did get a few of those too, and there were some wonderful scritches and neck rubs.
Prodney’s Blog: It’s my birthday, but please don’t send carrots
By Prodney
This year I have nobly decided to forgo my birthday ration of carrots in favour for something more practical…
“I realised my cheeks were hurting because I was beaming too.”
By Natasha Moore
When mum of 6 year-old Monty brought him to Park Lane Stables in the hopes of finding an activity suitable for him as an autistic, pre-verbal child, little did she know the magical effect horses would have on both of them.
Prodney’s Blog: Why scratching is better than patting
By Prodney
Generations of riders have been taught to pat their horse to thank them. In this video (featuring me) Natalie explains why you shouldn’t.
Singing is an added bonus for this work experience group
By Kate Fox
Every Tuesday, rain or shine, four young adults come to us to help around the yard. It’s a fantastic experience for everyone involved, and as our visitors are from the charity Beyond Autism, and 2-8 April is World Autism Week, this feels the perfect time to tell you more.
Prodney’s Blog: I’m exhausted just watching all the humans coming and going
By Prodney
It was the half term holiday last week and the increased numbers of visitors have had me rushed off my hooves, meeting and greeting, and supervising.
How to lead a horse
By David Bagott
Sounds simple? But what if the horse has other ideas, how would you manage? We love this video featuring David and Spotty…
Why do I love my job? Let me explain how it all happened
By Lexy Mitton
Natalie has known Lexy since she arrived at the Stables as a young girl in 2008. Now, Lexy’s a BHS Accredited Professional Coach, and “she’ll soon be far more qualified than me!” Meet Lexy and find out why she loves her job so much.
“People say magic isn’t real, but it’s real at Park Lane.”
By Natalie O’Rourke and Hannah Collard-Gray
We’d like to introduce you to Hannah. You might recognise her as a regular smiling face in our posts, as she’s been part of the Park Lane team for over a decade. But she’s shy, and often happy to be in the background.