Park Lane Stables RDA

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Prodney’s Blog: Ever the style icon, my favourite outfit is ...

Like all icons, I know my own style and I’m not afraid to be an individual. I’m so much more than ‘one of the herd’. I’m not a Barbie doll and I’m not prepared to be dressed up, even by Natalie who mostly knows better than to try.

Years ago we were going to a show, and for some inexplicable reason Natalie had got me out of bed at 5am to primp and preen me to within an inch of my life. My lovely mane was pulled into knots and plaits (have you ever tried to swat the files away with those things?), all my coat’s natural oils had been scrubbed away and I smelled, well frankly like a filly’s boudoir. And why she bandaged my perfectly sound fetlocks I will never understand. Honestly, the shame of it, for such a great stud of a horse (well, I can dream).

It got to the point where I just needed a break to stretch my legs. A good gallop across four fields soon re-established my equilibrium. Admittedly they were muddy fields, and the bandage things unwound themselves (so impractical). But it was good to feel the natural embrace of the flying mud and my mane flowing freely again in the cool early morning breeze.

Natalie and I usually see eye to eye, but I could see she wasn’t happy when I re-joined her. What on earth’s a ‘mud monster’ anyway?

Prodney is Chief Equine Officer (CEO) at Park Lane Stables, and has achieved celebrity status following the TV coverage in 2021. His favourite ever pastime, like all grey horses, is rolling in the blackest, stickiest mud he can find.