Our move through the eyes of our participants
Many friends and RDA participants have already dropped by to see us at Manor Farm. Some, children and adults alike, are vulnerable, and the disruption to such an important part of their life and wellbeing has loomed large.
The significance of finding the familiar black sign on the fence, and seeing their favourite horses and volunteers, cannot be over-stated. We’ve received thank you emails from parents saying how relieved they are to see their child transformed. Anxiety has fallen away. The Park Lane community is the happy place for so many, and uprooting it from the familiar surroundings of Park Lane has been deeply troubling. Seeing that black sign is a hugely symbolic and reassuring moment.
We’ve tried as much as possible to protect our volunteers and participants from the challenges of the last few months, but with all the media attention it’s been hard. To have seen the way that our fabulous team worked together on moving day, how they’ve settled themselves and the horses in since, and their smiling faces as they sit in the sunshine is a boost to all of us.
Onward and upward, as so many people have said to us over the last two weeks. And now we have an extra spring in our step.
© Cathy Cooper