Prodney’s Blog: Now I’ve seen everything, I’ll never understand humans

When I’m not being a media star in Teddington, I’m resting in our peaceful pasture in Surrey, where nothing much happens and we entertain ourselves. Secretly we’re hooked on Haynetflix – those box sets are addictive.

Amelia from the Stables popped by earlier this week, which usually means treats, so we came to say hello. It was the start of a very strange afternoon. With her were several humans wearing the most bizarre clothes, floaty and light and not at all practical. Their naked legs protruded like stumps and their feet were balanced on spikes – until they tried walking on the grass. We felt faintly embarrassed for them. Where were their boots? They smelled very odd too, a bit like flowers, not at all like the humans we’re used to.

It was about to get stranger as they applied themselves to laying out blankets on the grass, with a picnic lunch, cases of film equipment (familiar from my numerous TV appearances, so I was able to reassure my field mates that they weren’t about to be attacked), and bottles and potions.

It was fascinating to watch the humans grooming each other, though they won’t have done a very good job without using their teeth. But when they treated us to strawberries and radishes we warmed to our eccentric guests. We intend to put these straight on the list for when Natalie next goes shopping.

white horse with model in field

When they raised a great white sheet the excitement – and perhaps the radishes – got the better of us and we all went for a spirited run to show them what the pasture is actually for, and what fine steeds we are.

I’m used to the eccentricities of film crews, of course, so wasn’t fazed by how long they seemed to spend doing very little. Obviously I was the male lead, but Rusty, Barney and Blackjack were also given bit parts so they didn’t feel left out. Oddly, we seemed to be cast alongside the humans to go with the colours of their floaty things. It was all very odd, but made a change from Haynetflix.

Prodney is Chief Equine Officer (CEO) at Park Lane Stables, and achieved celebrity status following the TV coverage in 2021. Prodney, Rusty, Barney and Blackjack took part in a photo shoot for sustainable fashion label Bozena Jankowska in early JuneNaturally they took the experience in their collective stride.



Our move through the eyes of our participants


Prodney’s Blog: Proud to be a Russian Trotter