Park Lane refurbishment update
The planning process continues to grind slowly, frustrating for us as well as for all of you who have supported us. But there is progress. All plans have been with Richmond Borough Council since mid-March and are subject to a consultation process which will take another month.
In the meantime, we have invited local builders to tender for the project and are currently assessing options and discussing schedules. The hope is that once our plans receive formal approval, work will be able to start swiftly. That day can’t come soon enough.
What will change, in a nutshell
The flat that was Natalie’s home, part of the original stables building but converted in the 1990s, will be re-integrated back into the stables building.
The new space will accommodate a comfortable reception area (something we never had before), counselling rooms, and stable for a ‘cuddle horse’.
Stables will be improved to provide better facilities for the horses. Most will be bigger, all will be more comfortable.
Centuries of inevitable grime and damp damage will be swept away, replaced by a glamorous front elevation and internal fittings which will also be perfectly in keeping with the building’s age, style, and residential location.
The footprint of the building, and the height of the building, are unchanged. We will simply be using the available space much better (and besides, we like our neighbours).
We will finally see our ‘Wall of bricks’, each featuring the name of a donor to our Crowdfunding campaign, brought to fruition.
View the planning application and its (slow) progress, and see the wonderful designs by our architect. We can’t wait for them to start to take shape! Once work is underway you can expect updates and photographs to chart our journey.