Park Lane Stables RDA

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“We felt like Cinderellas – and we did go to the ball”

Thank you to Richmond May Ball for choosing us as one of two charities

Over 400 guests gathered on Richmond Green in the evening sunshine of 10 May for the 28th Richmond May Ball. This is a very special event when the community comes together and collectively raises money for local charities. And this year, we were proud to be one of the two chosen, alongside My Life Films, which supports people living with dementia.

May Ball founders Bob and Vivien Harris say: “The pandemic gave us a greater sense of our local community and the importance of Richmond’s open spaces. This is an opportunity to deliver a spectacular evening on Richmond Green for local residents and their guests whilst raising much needed funds for two very deserving local charities.”

Members of the Park Lane team swapped jodhpurs and muck boots for black ties and ballgowns, and the ponies were represented by an immaculately plaited Trigger. When the arriving guests saw a pony in their midst they made a beeline for him, all wanting their photo with him as they sipped their welcome drinks. Trigger, naturally, took his celebrity status in his stride and posed beautifully (he’s such a pro). Park Lane’s Daisy was his companion for the evening and the pair cut such a glamorous image that the local paparazzi were out in force.

Park Lane Stables’ ambassador Philippa George made a speech of thanks to the organisers for choosing us as one of their charities, and received a standing ovation. But her favourite bit was the carousel, horse-woman through and through!

“I thought the Richmond May Ball was amazing and so special! I felt like a true princess especially on the carousel, and I loved the speech, the photo booth and the chocolate fountain. We followed this by dancing the night away with Park Lane family and friends. I didn’t want the night to end!” – Philippa George

We are hugely indebted to members of the Park Lane family who worked so hard, many behind the scenes. They were joined by a 15-strong Savill’s team of volunteers who worked their socks off too, from selling raffle tickets and taking bids for auction items, to taking drinks orders. Just wow, thank you all so much! And it was lovely to see Jonathan Laney from long-term Park Lane sponsor H&L Motors who had booked a table for 12.

Thank you all for making a very special night extra special.

Read more about the Richmond May Ball
Find out more about the amazing work of My Life Films and their dementia-friendly TV streaming service