Help an individual, by gifting an RDA session

If you’d like to support us but also directly make a difference to an individual, why not gift an RDA session? Your donation will fund one (or more) sessions for a participant who would really benefit.

Your gift could be a vital first step to helping improve the future of one of our vulnerable participants, and you’d be helping support their families too. Even more so if you’re able to gift a series of sessions.

A single RDA session costs £48. They are always tailored to individual needs but may include interaction with our therapy ponies, riding, carriage driving, and group activities.

£48: one session could help someone start their RDA journey

£144: three sessions helps build confidence and new friendships

£336: seven sessions, the average number taken in 2023-24

£xx: your chosen gift value – every pound will help fund RDA sessions

“JJ has gone from strength to strength, gaining in confidence and self esteem and giving him an activity to look forward to each week.” – JJ’s Mum

“Can I just say once more what a difference the time at Park Lane Stables makes to M. For that time with you it is as though so many of his concerns are put on a back boiler and he can focus on just being with you, Hannah and the ponies. For that we are extremely grateful.” – Carer of one of our participants

Gift an RDA session, and find out other ways to support us, on our Donate page. No gift you give this year will be appreciated more than this.


Shouldn’t every town have a cuddle door?


The day Natasha Baker came to visit