Park Lane Stables RDA

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Visiting Deer Park View is special for us all

Deer Park View is a home providing residential, nursing and dementia care in Teddington, and is half a mile away from Park Lane Stables. Lead Wellbeing Coordinator Monica is keen to provide activities to bring extra stimulation into the lives of the residents, and what better way to do this than by inviting a pony or two?

Monthly visits by the Stables started last September, when Natalie and Jo were accompanied by Reggie, and residents joined them in the home’s garden. Reggie’s moustache was, as ever, a big hit! A couple of days later Lexy popped in with red fox Labrador Ali, and they were able to meet residents who couldn’t make it out into the garden. Cuddles from a Labrador are highlights in anyone’s day.

The visits were such a big hit that they’ve now become a monthly fixture. David and Sam come along with our wheelchair-adapted carriage, so that even residents with mobility issues have been able to take part, enjoying short drives around the grounds and the quiet cul de sac next to the home.

Residents and their families explain what it means to them

Brigit has dementia, and is cared for at Deer Park View. Her daughter Catherine explains what spending time with our horses has meant to all the family:

“Mum grew up on a farm in rural Ireland and has always loved animals. Seeing her face light up as she got to interact with Sam was truly special. At the farm there was a horse called Nancy who had a very gentle nature. As a child, Mum would go on cart rides to the village and especially loved going to the mill as it was a longer journey. I have no doubt that this experience brought back many fond memories of these times. The highlight was seeing her get to have a cart ride just like old times. She was smiling from ear to ear and I could tell it was a very stimulating experience for her.

Deer Park View kindly recorded the experience which I was able to share on our family group chat. All her siblings were delighted to see the cart ride and how happy mum was. When I sent the video to my dad I could hear him play it on repeat. He said it made his day. I know it made mum’s too.”

Ron celebrated his 103rd birthday in January. His long life is full of fascinating stories, including accounts of time spent repairing vital vehicles on the Normandy beaches in the run up to D-Day. He loves the monthly Park Lane visits and has already been out on the carriage twice. Ron’s daughter Christine says: “He loved it because it was a totally new experience, and made him realise how big and strong horses are. Thank you so much.”

Lesley lived just up the road in Strawberry Hill for 50 years, where she also had an art studio, before arriving recently at Deer Park View. With a lifetime of travel, art, reading and walking, she jumped at the chance to ride in the carriage and afterwards pronounced it “a wonderful experience. I just love animals!” Watch Lesley demonstrating a wave fit for a queen in this video.

We genuinely love these visits too, this definitely isn’t a one-way street

David, our carriage driving coach, has this to say: 

“The carriage driving at Deer Park View is special, not just because we are often greeted with espresso and cake, but because of all the wonderful people we meet, from the friendliness and welcome of the staff to the fascinating residents we encounter. I love it when we learn about the interesting lives they have led. It is also great to see the appreciation of our horses and how much they’ve enjoyed meeting us – and I love seeing them waving and smiling from the carriage!”

With thanks to Monica, and to Brigit, Ron, Lesley and their families for sharing their stories. Read more about the early visits to Deer Park View in Park Lane Stables visits Deer Park View residents

As a busy RDA centre we are best known for the work we do with participants, many of them young, with disabilities. But we love that by visiting care homes, hospitals and schools we can also extend horsey magic to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access it. We’re proud of our friendship with the lovely team and residents at Deer Park View which sums up how important being part of the Teddington community is to us.

If you’ve been moved by this story, a little support from you can help us to continue with projects like this. Our Donate and Shop pages include loads of options, and it all adds up to something magical.