Another build update milestone – windows and paint colours
The latest exclusive update from architect Sam and Natalie in Teddington.
Wiring going in, late March
As anyone who’s ever experienced a build will know, progress tends to follow a predictable pattern. Euphoria when it starts, even if it is chaos. Then a long messy period (always longer than everyone hoped) when inevitable snags are uncovered and unforeseen work becomes necessary.
It can be hard to envisage the final space, though there are also times when a bit of progress suddenly reveals it in your mind’s eye and you glimpse that finish line!
We’re at that stage now. The 200 year old building threw us a few curve balls that needed addressing so we’re not quite approaching the finish yet. But by Easter the wiring was going in, and the windows arrive next week (a significant moment in the building site turning into a building). And it’s been very exciting to be at the stage of discussing paint colours, which has made the realisation of Sam’s fantastic plans suddenly feel real. We’re tantalisingly close.
Here’s a sneak preview of the finished wall of named bricks, which fronts onto Park Lane but is currently hidden behind the protective hoarding. We can’t wait for the covers to come off – watch this space!
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Sneak preview of the completed wall of named bricks on Park Lane (behind the street hoarding)