Operating safely during Covid 19 

As lockdown eases, we have a slow and phased re-opening which will adhere to advice from Government and the governing bodies to ensure that everyone who visits us can do so safely. This includes reviewing advice about out-of-school settings for young people, running sports activities and the guidance on the National Youth Agency website.

Our current policies


  • We will keep a Covld risk assessment updated

  • We can lend hats and hi-viz, but will be sprayed and set aside for the rest of the day

  • All reins and other saddle parts which are touched are to be sprayed between rides

  • If two or more people over 11 years of age are in an unventilated room (e.g. tack rooms), they need to wear masks (but certain exemptions apply, which will be posted)


  • Volunteers should use a hand sanitiser on arrival and bring a mask

  • Masks are to be worn by coaches and volunteers for mounting, side walking or any other close contact. Leaders should wear a mask if facing the rider and closer than 1m distance.

If you have any questions about our Covid restrictions, please ask at the time of booking.