Park Lane Stables RDA

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‘Prodney’s Blog: A la carte dining’, and summer fields

At my time of life I deserve a bit of special treatment. I’m 40 you know, and still have my own teeth (oh hang on, that bit’s not quite true). Louis is one of my favourite servants. Here he is in a supporting actor role to my lead, explaining the background to why I became famous for being ‘the horse that sucks carrots’ on the BBC earlier this year. Did you know that one generous viewer asked if it was possible to fit me with dentures (whatever they are)?

This was filmed in the winter, I hope you’re admiring my rather fabulous warm turnout rug? These old bones do feel the cold these days. I need my rug as I love nothing better than standing sentry at the Stables’ entrance so I can supervise comings and goings and receive attention from my subjects. As you can see, Louis is adept at explaining the etiquette involved in presenting me with carrots, and Daniel gets special mention as he’s a dab hand at grooming.

Just as the Queen spends summers at Balmoral, when the spring grass arrives I move to our paddocks in Surrey. I may not be able to eat hay, but juicy green grass is a very different matter. There aren’t as many cuddles down here but the country air, plentiful fresh food, and good equine company definitely compensates. Then when the weather turns cold I return to town and a warm stable.

Natalie tells me that people who visit the Stables often come with the hope of meeting me. Rest assured I’ll be receiving visitors (and carrots, and cuddles) again when I return. In the meantime if you plan on visiting, do call ahead first. It all gets a bit busy during the summer months.

Prodney is Chief Equine Officer (CEO) at Park Lane Stables, and achieved celebrity status following the TV coverage in 2021. Louis became a bit of a star too. After his first confident interview, visiting film crews asked for him! In this video filmed by Producer/Director
Alan Gardner (, you can see why.