Lee’s story perfectly illustrates why we do this job

We first met Lee (not his real name) a few months ago when we took ponies Barney and Polly with us to meet the residents of a local children’s home. Although he was curious he watched from a distance and didn’t talk to us.

Unexpectedly a few weeks later we were contacted to ask if we’d consider Lee joining us for a week of work experience, and although surprised we did all the necessary checks and were able to say yes. That week we saw Lee slowly start to develop a connection with the ponies and the young volunteers around him, as he got absorbed in the tasks we gave him.


This isn’t what makes this story unusual. For many of us, the connection we feel with horses means leaving our cares behind when we’re with them. This shared experience starts lifelong friendships with those around us. The only thing that’s unusual in this case is that most children’s homes aren’t visited by ponies, so that essential trigger may never happen.

After his work experience, Lee asked if he could volunteer, and went on to do RDA training so that he has been able to join our crucial team of helpers needed to support young riders with disabilities.

A recent random email from a generous local asked if we could make use of a pair of size 9 riding boots, and as that was Lee’s size we knew that fate meant them for him.

Yesterday I watched Lee heading out on his weekly ride, wearing his shiny new boots, and it struck me that his story, and the stories of others like him over the years, are why we do what we do.

I know that you’ll recognise yourself if you read this, Lee, and I’d like you to know that I’m so proud of what you’ve achieved so far. Horse magic has worked its spell on us all, welcome to the team!


From the front line of an endurance ride in Wales


Prodney’s Blog: Taking Polly under my withers